Jesus, The Resurrected King!

They look for you in a tomb,

yet you are not there.

They look for you in a temple, cathedral, or building,

yet they are not your home.

You dwell in the hearts of those who believe in you,

place their faith in you,

and have received the gift of salvation.

You did not remain on a cross,

nor are you bound by our earthly realm.

You rose with all power.

You took possession of the keys of death and hell.

You are the omnipresent one,

fully abiding in those who believe.

You are also seated at the right hand of our Father.

You reign supreme!

Who on the earth or in the second heaven can contend with you?

Though mankind puffs up their importance,

and parades themselves in pride,

without the breath of God,

we cease to be alive.

We are not the center of it all,

you are.

The centrality of the Gospel is you!

You are more than an expression,

more than a historical figure,

You are LORD!

King of kings.

Lord of lords.

Almighty God.

Holy and majestic you are.

There is nothing

and no one on earth more powerful than you!

I praise you with exuberant praise!

Not just today,

every single day.

My heart cries out,

“I love you. Thank you. I praise your glorious name.”




Everlasting and eternal God.

You are the Alpha and Omega.

You will return and judge the world.

You are perfect justice and mercy combined.

You will come and set all the wrong things right.


anointed one,

I give thanks to our Father for all that you are.

May we turn our eyes towards you,

the author and finisher of our faith.

May we cast our idols at your feet,

for there is no god besides you.


the RISEN one!

Death could not hold you.

The grave could not keep you.

You are the risen King and Lord!

Reign over our cities, states, and nations.

Pour out your glory over our world.

Forgive us for our many transgressions,

let heaven invade our world.

It only takes one word from you,

to shift dead things into living things.

Revive us again.

Awaken us to the Father’s love and purposes again.

Move us past seeking you for selfish gain,

to surrendering all that we are,

to all that you are!

Give us heavenly perspectives,

and courage to move as you move,

and speak as you speak.

Move us past comfortable and passive Christianity.

Revive us again,

with heavenly fire and passion.

Renew our first love,

may you be primary

and seeking your Kingdom

which is superior to all.

May our praise and adoration of you be continual,

not just during feasts or holidays.

May we bow our hearts before you,

and love you more than anyone or anything!

Love in Christ,

Erin Lamb

Painting: Artist Justine Peterson (Source Pinterest)

I See the Cross (Beautiful Jesus! Wonderful Savior!)

Photo Credit: Pinterest

I normally post weekly to give people space to read and not be overwhelmed by multiple messages a week. My heart was so stirred yesterday to recall what love cost God. You see, genuine love is costly. Anyone can say, “I love you,” yet our actions demonstrate whether those words are true. Only the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob offered up His only begotten Son to take away the sins of the world. Our sin was no shock to God. He already knew we’d choose our way over His. It was in the plan all along that Jesus would die for humanity and rise again with all power. 

Only Jesus (God in the flesh) allowed Himself to be humiliated, beaten, mocked, shamed, hurt, rejected, and nailed to a rugged cross to fulfill the Father’s divine plan of redemption. He loved the Father and out of that perfect love and obedience, He went to the cross. He also loves and loved us enough to give His life. 

God is love. He knew by no other means could mankind be truly be saved. So, He offered Himself. He took the penalty for us, for the wages of sin is death. God’s wrath was poured out on that cross so we would not have to face eternal damnation. 

Have you celebrated His sacrifice today? Thanked Him? Worshipped Him? Will you join me today in celebrating the greatest love anyone will ever know? He’s worthy of continual praise! Thank you Papa God. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Holy Spirit. 

Here’s an excerpt from I Thought I Knew What Love Was…hope it leads you to worship. You are SO deeply loved. 

I See the Cross
written by Erin Lamb October 25, 2007 
Copyright© 2011 may not be reproduced without permission

I see the cross,
so vividly in front of me;
one nail pierced hand on the left
and another on the right.
I see His head hanging there
with the thorns positioned, oh, so tight.
I see the blood
dripping from the pure, spotless Lamb.
I kneel before Him
laying my sins,
all of them,
I see the cross.
I see the beauty of God’s unmerited favor
and His forgiveness.
I see love in the eyes of the One who took my place.
For no greater love lies within a person,
than to surrender His life for His friend.
I see the cross,
that rugged cross;
my freedom was purchased with His blood.
He has been and always will be,
the One who paid the greatest price.
I was purchased by His life’s offering.
I am forever seated with Him in the heavenlies,
and my name is written in His heart.
His children are seated next to Him in heavenly places,
for on the cross He did not remain.
He rose again with all power in His hands.
The same power that raised Him from the dead,
now lives inside of me.
It lives inside of you.
It is that great power at work in us
that changes us from the person we are,
into the person that He chose us to be.
It is that same power that transforms a wicked man
into a righteous man.
I see the cross;
my Deliverer
is hanging there.
He purchased my freedom,
my healing,
and every blessing in the heavenly realm.
Some blessings I see now,
and some are yet to be seen.
I see the cross.
Do you see Him?
Do you celebrate here;
the place where tattered rags of our wretchedness
are exchanged for a robe of righteousness?
This place, the place,
is where scarlet sins are washed white as snow.
This is the place we must go.
The cross is where miracles occur.
The greatest miracle of all
is that God would seek to be reconciled with a sinful world.
I see my Father’s love here.
He cared enough
to send His only Son to save the least, the last, and the lost.
I see the cross,
a reflection of what real love is.
Selfishness died on the cross
when He said, “Father not my desires, but all Your purposes be
Death was triumphed over on the cross
when He spoke, “It is finished.”
We know that we will see Him again,
and this life here is not the end.
We know that when the trumpet sounds,
the dead in Christ will rise
We know that we will have eternity to worship Him
and eternity to love Him.
I see the cross,
and it is all I must see.
Even if the world around me fades away,
I know that through my Savior I am
and made complete.
This body may fade and wither,
friends and family may come and go.
I have knelt before that rugged cross enough times to know
that my days are in His hands;
so are His purposes and His plan.
He is the reason I live.
He is the reason I rejoice.
No man would sacrifice his life,
put his very life in jeopardy, for someone who was guilty.
He gave His life,
so we may stand before Him completely unashamed.
Take a moment and look to the cross.
Ponder the wonderful cross.
I hope I find you there,
basking in the love of the Father.
He is the One who deeply loves you
and cares for you.
He is there
carrying your infirmities,
collecting every tear,
rejoicing when you rejoice,
and weeping when your soul has had its wear and tear.
You are never alone
and never abandoned.
I see the cross,
engrained forever in my memory.
The cross is a picture of the greatest love.
He is a love so true
and a love so dear.
He is a love that will never end.

All rights reserved. No part of the material may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, without the written permission of the Publisher, Westbow Press (, or Author, Erin Lamb. The only exception is in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

If you’d like to read more psalms, poems, love letters to and from God, you can purchase right here on the site there’s a link entitled Get Your Copy or you may purchase through: http://www.westbowpress.com and or iTunes store.




Photo credit: Pinterest


Risen with ALL Power


Photo Credit: Son of God Movie

When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross,~Col 2:13-15.

It’s Holy Week, the period of time between Palm Sunday and Resurrection Sunday. 

Glorious Jesus! He’s my topic of choice today. Jesus is majestic, holy, awesome, incredible, wonderful…knowing Him is life changing. I could go on and on about Him forever…my bible study blog is focused on the life and teachings of Jesus (The Life & Teachings of Jesus). 

Jesus did not come into the world with a sword and army. He came in humility, love, and power.

He came into the world to save the world. We were once dead in trespasses and sins, helpless to meet the requirements of God’s law. What the law was powerless to do He accomplished on the cross.

Humble beginnings…

He left Paradise and entered the world as a babe. He was fully human. He left a place with no sin, suffering, dying, and complete communion with the Father. He humbled Himself to serve even the worst of sinners. He washed feet. He healed the sick. He served.

People bombarded Jesus with their needs, desires, sickness, wants, and some  with  criticisms. He remained a perfect representation of the Father. He walked in love, humility, and power. 

Giving it all for the Father…all for love…

If you visit churches around the world you will find many with Jesus hanging on a cross. He is bruised, nailed, wearing a crown of thorns. There are no images that accurately depict the suffering of Jesus. His flesh was ripped from His body. It’s graphic, it’s awful; He endured the worst suffering for love. 

Jesus not only suffered physically. He took on our sickness, sin, pain, emotional anguish. He didn’t simply die for all of humanity, He died as us. He became the substitutionary sacrifice for us. The punishment meant for us, He took it upon Himself. He gave His life even for those who will reject Him in the end.  

He was obedient even when His flesh cried out, “Father, I wish for you to take this cup from me, but nevertheless…not my will, your will be done.” 

Have you ever had a Gethsemane moment with God…Where the path He set before you seems as though it will crush all that you are? Your flesh is crying out, “oh please God give me the easy way.” I have. I have had many nights face down before Him, my heart torn and battered. My soul weary and worn. My body tired and unwilling. Yet His grace is sufficient. His strength made perfect in our weakness. My spirit eventually cries out, “Father not my will, your will be done.” It hurts sometimes, yet He’s worth it all. 

I will tell you without the cross there is no crown or glory. There’s a tremendous blessing that comes from obeying God and staying right in His will. It will also cost us greatly. 

The Father didn’t leave Jesus on a cross or in a grave. Jesus rose with ALL power in His hands. He took the keys of death and hell. He took back all the authority given to satan by Adam. Jesus stood victorious and He stands victorious today. The Father invites His children to be reconciled to Him and be partakers in Christ’s inheritance…He gives born again believers authority in Jesus name. 

The same power that raised Christ from the dead lives in born again believers. We don’t have a little light that’s shining! We have the Light. The Light who created the heavens and the earth. The Light who spoke the world into being. The Light who created the Universe. The Light who is encamped above the earth. Heaven is His throne and the earth His footstool. We could not find words eloquent or sufficient enough to describe all of who He is. 

Yet He chooses us…me and you to house His Spirit and be partakers of a divine inheritance

Take a moment to ponder the bigness of God. 

What circumstances are you facing right now that need the power of God? What family members need to receive the message of the Gospel? What relationships need reconciling? What diagnosis needs the healing of Jesus? What crisis needs God’s intervention? What situation looks deader than dead or hopeless?

I tell you sweet friends…NOTHING is impossible for God. You may cry. You may not understand. You may feel lonely and abandoned, but God! Insert God into that situation. One of my favorite prayers now is, “Papa, you said when we pray according to your word and will it is established in the heavens. I will stand on your word.” 

God is 100% faithful! 

This side of heaven we will be challenged. But God! We will endure suffering. But God! We will be disappointed. But God! You see, when God is placed in the center…when the finished work of the cross becomes our focus…when we know who our Papa is…when we fully accept God’s unfailing love for us…when we stand on His word…we may cry, but we shall not surely die. Hope and faith rise up within us. 

Jesus is not still hanging on that rugged cross. He got up! 

I speak to the seeds of faith in you, “Rise UP! Faith arise.” If you can believe Jesus was raised from the dead, you can believe for so much more. 

God always stands in victory! If you’re in His will, He’s fighting for you. If you’re not in fellowship with God, come to Jesus. Get right with God. Repent and turn to Him. He’s longing for you! See link for salvation prayer (Salvation Prayer). 

I gave my life to Jesus on Resurrection Sunday at age 7. Best decision ever! He’s radically changed and is changing my life. No regrets about Jesus. My only regrets are the times I’ve spent worrying instead of trusting God and standing on His word. 

Final thoughts…

You are so deeply loved. The value of something is determined by how much someone will pay for it; Jesus gave His life for you. The Father gave His Son. May the rest of your week be flooded with love, joy, peace, hope, goodness, and reflections on what Jesus has already given in His name and what was purchased on the cross: forgiveness, new life, hope, every spiritual blessing in heavenly places, healing, access to the Father, authority in His name, deliverance, joy, comfort, peace, eternal life, and so much more… 

My prayers and love are with you, 

Erin Lamb


Living Water (Source Pinterest)

Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest,~Jesus.  


I See the Cross (from the book I Thought I Knew What Love Was)


Hello sweet friends,

I would love it if you check out I Thought I Knew What Love Was. You can purchase right here on the site there’s a link entitled Get Your Copy or you may purchase through these wonderful sites:, and or the iTunes store.

I thought I knew what love was until I encountered the King of the Universe. This book is filled with prayers, psalms, letters to God, & encouragement from God. I hope it blesses your heart. Here is an excerpt from the book.

I See the Cross Copyright 2011 © Erin Lamb.
I see the cross,
so vividly in front of me;
one nail pierced hand on the left
and another on the right.
I see His head hanging there
with the thorns positioned, oh, so tight.
I see the blood
dripping from the pure, spotless Lamb.
I kneel before Him
laying my sins,
all of them,
I see the cross.
I see the beauty of God’s unmerited favor
and His forgiveness.
I see love in the eyes of the One who took my place.
For no greater love lies within a person,
than to surrender His life for His friend.
I see the cross,
that rugged cross;
my freedom was purchased with His blood.
He has been and always will be,
the One who paid the greatest price.
I was purchased by His life’s offering.
I am forever seated with Him in the heavenlies,
and my name is written in His heart.
His children are seated next to Him in heavenly places,
for on the cross He did not remain.
He rose again with all power in His hands.
The same power that raised Him from the dead,
now lives inside of me.
It lives inside of you.
It is that great power at work in us
that changes us from the person we are,
into the person that He chose us to be.
It is that same power that transforms a wicked man
into a righteous man.
I see the cross;
my Deliverer
is hanging there.
He purchased my freedom,
my healing,
and every blessing in the heavenly realm.
Some blessings I see now,
and some are yet to be seen.
I see the cross.
Do you see Him?
Do you celebrate here;
the place where tattered rags of our wretchedness
are exchanged for a robe of righteousness?
This place, the place,
is where scarlet sins are washed white as snow.
This is the place we must go.
The cross is where miracles occur.
The greatest miracle of all
is that God would seek to be reconciled with a sinful world.
I see my Father’s love here.
He cared enough
to send His only Son to save the least, the last, and the lost.
I see the cross,
a reflection of what real love is.
Selfishness died on the cross
when He said, “Father not my desires, but all Your purposes be
Death was triumphed over on the cross
when He spoke, “It is finished.”
We know that we will see Him again,
and this life here is not the end.
We know that when the trumpet sounds,
the dead in Christ will rise again.
We know that we will have eternity to worship Him
and eternity to love Him.
I see the cross,
and it is all I must see.
Even if the world around me fades away,
I know that through my Savior I am
and made complete.
This body may fade and wither,
friends and family may come and go.
I have knelt before that rugged cross enough times to know
that my days are in His hands;
so are His purposes and His plan.
He is the reason I live.
He is the reason I rejoice.
No man would sacrifice his life,
put his very life in jeopardy, for someone who was guilty.
He gave His life,
so we may stand before Him completely unashamed.
Take a moment and look to the cross.
Ponder the wonderful cross.
I hope I find you there,
basking in the love of the Father.
He is the One who deeply loves you
and cares for you.
He is there
carrying your infirmities,
collecting every tear,
rejoicing when you rejoice,
and weeping when your soul has had its wear and tear.
You are never alone
and never abandoned.
I see the cross,
engrained forever in my memory.
The cross is a picture of the greatest love.
He is a love so true
and a love so dear.
He is a love that will never end.

All rights reserved. No part of the material may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, without the written permission of the Publisher, Westbow Press (, or Author, Erin Lamb. The only exception is in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.