Upcoming Events & What’s New!

Happy May!

I wanted to talk with you about upcoming events and what’s new.

2020 was such a whirlwind and 2021 started out with a bang too! Things here changed quite a bit with new projects, ongoing projects, and family moving into the area. There have been plenty of plates circling in the air. I am thankful for all the moving parts and pieces. I also long for a non working vacation. 😉

How have things been for you? How has your life changed due to COVID?

One of the major changes on this end has been loads of online meetings, trainings, smaller classes, no in person conferences, and cancelling mission trips.

We have been able to do the following:

Scheduled the Deep Inner Healing Masterclass for June 17-19th, 2021.

This class will be in person, due to the clinic time (you practice what you learn). I love this class because it is interactive and provides students with three different methods for assisting clients in freedom in the realms of their thought life, emotions, connection with God and others, relationships, finances, self image, trauma, and so much more. We love the reports back from clients that their marriages were restored, their families restored, their mind’s renewed, their nightmare’s stopped, their bad habits broken, they have a deeper connection with God, or their body was healed. Our course not only teaches people the tools to help others, we have breakout sessions to see healing in our students. This course is 24 hours of class time, involves some clinic time, full notes, DVDs, live Q/A, see a full session live with a volunteer student, acceptance into the alumni group (for continuous education), and an opportunity for certification.

You don’t want to miss this course. It’s rated A+ with our students. Empowered-Free.com/Book-Online.

Discernment Course 101-103

We had a blast with the discernment course earlier this year. We discussed what discernment is, how to grow in godly discernment, wisdom vs. discernment vs. the gift of knowledge, how to discern what is God vs flesh vs the soul, testing and knowing, different ways we discern, and so much more!

You can check out the digital course (audio and workbooks) here: https://www.empowered-free.com/product-page/growing-in-discernment-course-101-103.

Helping the Poor/Homeless and Missions

As many of you know, Lamb Enterprises is separate from Operation God is Love (OGL). OGL has continued to venture into the city monthly to feed and clothe the poor. During 2020 we also provided grocery gift cards for numerous families negatively impacted by COVID. The giveaways were in addition to our monthly feeding the homeless. We were able to up our winter supplies for the homeless this year with sleeping bags, coats, and winter tents.

Due to travel restrictions with COVID, we have postponed missions to South Africa and conferences. This has not halted our love for our neighbors overseas. We have been able to sow financially into those on the ground in other nations. Once the borders open, we hope to return to our mission overseas.

Upcoming Books

I am working on a children’s book and the fourth book! Both of these books focus on identity and killing insecurity. I absolutely believe that insecurity is one of the greatest plagues on humanity. People who do not love themselves cannot love others. It is impossible to give away that which we do not possess.

Upcoming Shows

Though I am not running Empowered & Free TV right now, I am working with a buddy on a show addressing racism and social justice. I believe people who know God are called to be part of the solution, not bystanders. I will keep you posted on the show and where you can view the episode(s).

I thank you for subscribing to this blog. My apologies again for such a gap in posts. I hope to write to you more regularly. 🙂

I hope to see some of you signed up for the Masterclass 2021 in June of this year (Empowered-Free.com/Book-Online). Our students LOVE the class and every single one stated it was worth the investment. Even if they do not do what I do, see clients, they received breakthrough for themselves!

I am blessing you and this week. You are so deeply loved.


Erin Lamb

Founder & CEO of Lamb Enterprises LLC and Operation God is Love






Resources For Challenging Times

We know COVID19 has impacted numerous lives. Some people are depressed, stress eating, juggling kids and work at home, or unemployed. This virus has impacted almost every person on this planet.

I want to encourage you to monitor your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health during this time.

While it is noble to reach out to help others, your health matters too! Stress weakens the immune system. We want to share tips and tools to help manage the stress and keep you healthy. For example, there are certain foods/herbs that help with stress, like matcha. We want to share our knowledge with you.

Maribel Hernandez is a fitness and nutrition specialist in Southern California. She helps clients get back to basics. I have a background in soul healing and assisting people to step out of trauma.

Let’s move towards healthier living! Let us help you. I thought, “what if we call the course Reboot 2020?” When we reboot something, we provide a fresh start! People have been negatively impacted by COVID19, let’s reboot!

Along with tips on eating healthy on a budget, taking care of your immune system, detoxing your system, nutrition, and fitness…I will be sharing on tips and tools for maintaining health in the mind and emotions.

We desire you win in life!

Yes, storms (challenges) are raging around us. This does not mean we need to allow the storms to destroy us.

I hope you join us starting May 15th, 2020! Classes will be each Friday evening for 4 weeks via Zoom. Class times will be 2:30pm PST/5:30pm EST.

Sign up for a $300 dollar value course for only $24.99. We are reducing the cost because we know families and singles are trying to save money. Those who sign up before May 9th will receive an added bonus!!

Go to empowered-free.com/shop to sign up today!!

As an added bonus today, sharing a free teaching on Get the Trauma out from COVID19 and a soaking prayer for trauma.

Get your free resource here: https://www.empowered-free.com/so/f2N6FcA5T#/main

We are cheering for you! I hope you join us for Reboot 2020.


Erin Lamb

Founder & CEO of Lamb Enterprises LLC

Why We Love Soul Healing!

I believe in soul healing because I have been through the process and seen numerous clients over the years step into great levels of FREEDOM. In order to facilitate sessions with others, my mentors Dr. Kraft and Dr. Bitcon facilitated sessions with me.

I am so grateful I went through sessions. I thought I was doing great in life; they both found memories from childhood that God wanted to heal. They were things not even on my radar.

The soul is composed of the mind, will, and emotions. The soul and spirit are not the same. We are triune beings who consist of a body, soul, and spirit. The culture outside the church focuses on the body. The culture in the church can focus primarily on the spirit. The soul can be overlooked.

Soul wounding can occur in utero and build as a person progresses in life.

There are people who are struggling significantly due to unhealed wounds in their soul. They also do not realize they are attracting people to them with similar wounds or who make their wounds worse. I highly recommend soul healing BEFORE marriage. I have too many stories about attracting the wrong mate, attracting abusive partners or abuse, or attractng no mate due to soul wounds.

Over the years we have seen clients who have reported the following:

Marriages restored when 1 person went through soul healing.

Prodigal family member returning home after their parent went through soul healing.

Bodies healed (Some sickness is rooted in the soul and not the body. It flows from the soul to the body).

End to hearing voices.

End to having nightmares.

Attracting better relationships.

Deep Peace.

Increased confidence.

Able to connect with God.

Food, substance, and sex addictions broken.

Blessings in areas where there was barrenness and lack.

Weight loss.

In the Deep Inner Healing Masterclass, I teach you all I know and can cram into 3 full days on the soul how it’s wounded, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), dissociation/alters, integrating fractured parts, in utero healing, and so much more. Unlike some other instructors, you receive full notes and DvDs. The course involves clinic time and time for you to get parts of your soul healed.You also have the opportunity to test for course credit and join the alumni group. The alumni group is a support system for you for years to come. I also provide additional teachings for the group.

You will not find this course other places because I teach you Kraft’s Method (see his book 2 Hours to Freedom), Dr. Bitcon’s Method, and the bulk of what God has taught me. Taking these courses separately would cost you over $2,000. I offer my course right now for $750.00. You cannot beat it. Not only that, our students rate this course A+ and life changing.

Don’t just take my word for it. One of my sessions a few weeks ago the arthritis the client had completely left after their session. I want you to hear from former students and clients.

This is a season to get the soul healed! I also believe there are many hurting people in the world who need their soul’s healed and restored; you could partner with God to help them.

God makes all things new. I believe part of thriving is getting the soul healed.

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers,-3 John 1:2.

We want to see you in Columbus, Ohio this summer. Mark your calendar’s for June 11-13th, 2020 at the Four Points Sheraton Polaris. The room block is under Masterclass 2020.

Sign up for class today: https://www.empowered-free.com/book-online.


Erin Lamb

South Africa (When God Sets the Nations in Your Heart)

Photo: Pinterest (South Africa)!

Is it possible to love a Nation and it’s people without setting foot on it’s soil? I believe so; God loves the Nations. When our heart beats in tandem with His, it is possible to love strangers. The Bible speaks of heaven including people from every tribe, tongue and Nation. God holds each Nation in His heart.

The heart of God is so vast beyond measure, so grand. If we could stretch His heart out over the world, it would wrap around the earth millions of times over! His love is so deep, so wide, so full, and oh so beautiful!!! ❤️💯

Africa, we are coming to love you and bless you. We are coming to speak life over your land. We are coming to see the sick healed, the oppressed set free, the hungry fed, the hurting comforted, and the Gospel (good news of Jesus) shared.

God placed Africa in my heart. When I was quite young, God started talking to me about the Nations. He spoke of where I would go, what I would do, and it was more than I could comprehend. I still wrote it down and pondered the words of a loving Father.

Has God placed a Nation or people group in your heart?

Then I began dreaming of being in the Nations. God was restoring the land. I see Him healing the sick, the lame walking, colonies of the dying coming to life. I dreamed of running across the continent of Africa with views of lush waterfalls, green grass, and fertile soil. My heart exclaimed loudly, “Africa shall be restored!”

In that dream, I ran into a missionary in Africa named Heidi Baker. She ministers to the poor all over Africa and has planted thousands of churches there. We hugged; we smiled. We each had our part of Africa to love! The mission was love. The mission was and is Jesus.

It is something when God knits a Nation, the Nations in your heart. It beats with passion and zeal for perfect strangers. You think of them with delight and joy. Why? They are the delight of the Father.

Me & Heidi at an event

I recalled being at a youth event and Reinhard Bonnke spoke over us, prayed over us, “Africa will be saved!” My literally burned with passion. Does your heart burn with passion to see the lost reunited with the Father? I saw faces of people who would come to intimately know the one who is love. God is love. I felt heaven’s pulse and heartbeat. I felt the longing for those disconnected from God’s heart to come home.

We were created by love (God), to be loved, then to love. The world is looking for a true encounter with love. The agape love of God is much needed!

Maybe you will not cross the seas into the Nations. How about crossing the street to a neighbor?

We cannot do everything. We can do something! We can be the hands and feet of Jesus in a hurting world. Some of us will go into the Nations. Some of us will go across the street or into the marketplace. The key is to abide in God’s love and go! Take love outside the four walls of weekend services.

God knit the ones you love into our hearts! Fuel our passion for those you love!


Erin Lamb

P.S if you wish to join us in Africa Oct 8th through 20th 2020, please grab an application from OperationGodisLove.org.

See the Upgrade, Instead of the Obstacle

Parable of the Boulder

There was a man who wanted to climb a mountain yet there was a boulder in his way. A man who came along and told him if he pushed the boulder up the mountain, he would give him ten fifty pounds bags of gold. He stated that many attempted to get the boulder up the mountain yet not one succeeded.

The man accepted the challenge and began to push the boulder up the mountain. He could only go so far without resting. The boulder was heavy and others just seemed to try to take the easy way around. They were playing in freedom while he kept pushing. It was hot, it was not easy. Some days it seemed he took a few steps forward and was pushed back.

He was tempted to give up at times because he could easily make money more easily. Why stick with the task at hand?

After many days and months of pushing the boulder up the mountain, he arrived. the man he had met at the bottom was there as promised with the bags of gold. He grinned with delight over the man making it to the top of the mountain. He asked the man to follow him even further up the mountain. Though fatigued, he climbed. The man asked him, “Why do you think I invited to you push the boulder up the mountain?” The gentleman pondered it for a moment and responded, “I do not know, maybe you needed it and there was no one to help you.” The man laughed. “No, I don’t need the boulder at all. This was not for me, it was for you.” The gentleman looked back at him puzzled, “How could this be for me?” The man replied, “Come look.” He took the man to an area where he could see his reflection. His muscles were fully developed and he had gained incredible strength.

“In the climb, you learned patience. You learned to persevere when it was challenging. You learned the easiest path was not the best path. You learned to focus, if you did not, you could be crushed by the boulder. You learned your own inner strength. You learned lessons some will never learn. The climb was never about me. It was about you. Every challenge has both an OPPORTUNITY and an UPGRADE attached to it. Some only live on the flat plains, they never rise to their highest level of potential. They take the easiest route and never learn who they can be. Some wait for someone else to push the boulder up the mountain and then try to glean from their success. You chose to take the path less traveled. You chose a path that would require strength. You chose faith to believe I would reward you for bringing the boulder up the mountain. Not only will I provide you with the bags of gold, but I am also including 10 times the reward in diamonds.”

Sometimes what looks easy is not the best path. Getting to where we want to go and be will take actual work, focus, planning, and perseverance. The race is given to the one who endures until the end. SO keep your eyes on the prize and keep going. If you need to rest, rest, then get back to what leads to your promise.

Praying for you!! You can do this with God’s help.

Oh…and this Friday, please check out our Black Friday sales on empowered-free.com/shop (books, teachings, audio) and empoweredandfreemerch.com (tshirts, bags, phone cases, etc)! All books and audio are 45% off.


Erin Lamb




Boulder image: Google images

Have A Great Labor Day Weekend!

I hope you enjoy this weekend! Labor Day signals for me that Summer is coming to a close. Where has the time gone? Maybe you had a blast this year; maybe it was a challenge. Either way, the seasons are about to change. I don’t enjoy the shorter daylight hours in my region. I do enjoy the concept of change.

I used to hate change and then I was thrust into situations that forced me to change. Not all change is bad.

Life is this gift and if we are not careful we can waste it on things that simply do not matter. You can invest all your time and energy into a job or career that easily lets you go if the economy goes south. You can over give and waste hours of your life helping people while neglecting yourself. You may think you are being the Good Samaritan, yet in actuality you have failed to set appropriate boundaries. You can waste time being someone’s back up plan for when they don’t want to be alone or their other friends are busy or away. If we are not careful, summer can speed into winter and we remain in the same place.

I don’t know about you, but I hate wasting time unless I am resting. I need for life and interactions to have some form of meaning. Why are you at that job? Why are you friends with that person? What are you doing with your life? I ask these questions.

I may be a bit more reflective for a holiday than normal. I simply took some time away from my phone to reflect on life and to have less distractions while studying.

As the seasons shift and change, I asked if I was positioned for my best yes in life with God? Are there areas of my life that need tweaking so I can thrive? Am I connected to the right things and divine alignments, Are there people in my life who are energy vampires who just suck the life out of me? Where do I want to see change? Where does God want to see change?

Unlike a tree, if we see something that needs changed we can do something. One thing I desire to change is ceasing being a hostage to my phone or the whims of people. They are bored, so I must be available. They have a crisis, I must respond. It’s good to turn the phone off sometimes and just be a human being. It’s also great to spend time with people who choose you when they are not bored, not in need, not sick, not lonely, their favorite friend is not available, and they are not in crisis.

Part of living empowered, confident, and free is learning to set appropriate limits with our time, resources, and our lives. Without boundaries and balance, we can easily crash and burn or worse-waste our lives.

Which areas of your life need transition and change? What are you doing about it? Are you a hostage in your own life? You don’t have to be! Is Labor Day an escape from a life you hate, or a day of peace. It is supposed to be a cease from laboring day. Yet it can be an opportunity for reset, some reflection, and refining. What are your priorities in this new season?

I may be deep today, yet my thoughts have been focused more on getting the most out of life. I hope you have a great weekend and count blessings.

As a blessing to readers, both stores are 30% until September 4th! It’s tradition to throw a sale on holidays. If you love the blog, we’d love you support at our book store and/or merchandise store.

Grab books and digital products at empowered-free.com/shop.

Grab t-shirts, mugs, stickers, and home goods at empoweredandfreemerch.com. Part of the proceeds go to help with the homeless outreach and missions. We are raising money currently for a South Africa mission.


Erin Lamb

Don’t just survive, LIVE!

I Hope to See You!

I hope to see you at one of the upcoming book signings! It is great when we can connect in person and I have a great giveaway planned for each event! You won’t want to miss this!!
I would also love to have your help spreading the word about the new tshirt and home goods line! I would love your support in grabbing something from the store. It’s for a great cause!
I chose to place these items on empoweredandfreemerch.com! Why? There are so many fun items to choose from and it’s seperate from the books and teachings. Our color line is one of my favorites! Can you tell?!
I love the tote and the large one holds so much! I enjoy the mugs too!
What I love most about this line is part of the proceeds go to helping the poor, homeless, and victims of human trafficking! Instead of begging for donations, I chose to create items that align with the mission. Free to Soar is another line I love! We will soar on wings like eagles.
Confident & Free is more than a book or conference, it is a movement! I see a movement of bold, colorful, confident, and free women arising! They are full of grace, honor, and love. They are not victims nor insecure.
When you grab an item from the store, you are also sowing into our future missions in South Africa and other parts of the world.
Grab a mug, grab a tshirt! It’s for a good cause. It’s free standard shipping.
Erin Lamb
empoweredandfreemerch.com (for tshirts and home goods)
empowered-free.com/shop (for books and teaching materials)

Stay in Your Lane

Happy Live Unrivaled Tuesday!

The Bible discourages comparison. Let’s talk about our cultural obsession with keeping up with the Joneses.

We each have a unique voice and journey. Each person has their own assignment and pace. Looking to the left or the right can bring significant bondage. When we compare it leads to either self righteousness or pride (I am better than this person) or insecurity which is the flip side of pride (I am not as good or capable as this other person).

Sometimes jealousy, envy, and strife are rooted in comparison. Look at what the other person is doing (especially on social media). How do you measure up? Jealousy is being upset someone else is getting attention or a blessing or has something the person thinks they deserve. Envy is not wanting them to have it. Strife is the fighting, gossiping, arguments, and bitterness that emerge from the sin.

Our measure of how well we are doing in life, in ministry, in business, etc…is best rooted in God. If your church has 10 people that you are faithfully serving-praise God. If the other church has 10,000 whooohoo. Comparing numbers is a waste of time. Heaven rejoices when one sinner repents.

I had a lady tell me my outreach to the poor was just giving out handouts and their ministry was training people for jobs. Well, awesome you have resources for job training. I have resources to help people not eat out of the garbage for a day and get saved. Then we connect them with larger ministries who help them with rehab, job placement, daily meals, after care, discipleship, etc…Jesus stated if your enemy is hungry feed him. Why worry about what that other ministry is doing. Stay in your lane. I rarely look at what other people are doing unless it’s for inspiration. I am not them, they are not me.

God creates. He does not clone. We are NOT to be cookie cutter duplicates of each other.

I had someone else tell me I needed to be more like this other minister who travels the world preaching. I said no. I reach 144 countries through my blogging (I have two blogs) and social media, sometimes 10,000 people a week. What I need to do is stay rooted in Jesus and do what I see the Father doing. If one person get’s saved, I rejoice. We had one salvation at outreach Sarurday. Thank you God! I don’t care if another outreach saw 100s.

Comparison is toxic. The Bible says the following:

Galatians 6:4-5 Each of you must examine your own actions. Then you can be proud of your own accomplishments without comparing yourself to others. Assume your own responsibility.

2 Corinthians 10:12 We wouldn’t put ourselves in the same class with or compare ourselves to those who are bold enough to make their own recommendations. Certainly, when they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves to themselves, they show how foolish they are.

James 3:16 For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.

Proverbs 14:30 A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot.

1 Corinthians 3:3 For you are still of the flesh. For while there is jealousy and strife among you are you not of the flesh and behaving only in a human way?

Our world loves comparison, God asks us to be of the Kingdom-not the world.

Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

1 John 2:15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

We don’t live for people. We live for God.

Philippians 2:3 Don’t act out of selfish ambition or be conceited. Instead, humbly think of others as being better than yourselves.

Galatians 1:10 Am I saying this now to win the approval of people or God? Am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be Christ’s servant.

Isaiah 2:22 Stop regarding man in whose nostrils is breath, for of what account is he?

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

May you and I stay focused on the most important thing; God. May we ditch comparison and focus on running our own race with Jesus. In the end, we will all give an account for our own lives, not anyone else’s. Ditch comparison and find joy in the journey with God. We are not with God to perform or tally metrics. We are with God to love Him, know Him, and enjoy Him! It is impossible to have our eyes fixed on God while hyper focusing on what our neighbor is doing.

May we also stop comparing each other. “Oh you need to be more like (fill in the blank).” I honestly cannot be someone else. I am called to be Erin Lamb, the one Father calls Judah. I do not have the same capacity, heart, giftings, etc…as the person next to me. I do what I am called to do by the power of God in me. I encourage that for everyone. What has God given you? Use that for His glory.


Erin Lamb

Empowered-Free.Com/Shop (check out books, teaching materials)

EmpoweredandFreemerch.com (check out our tshirts, merch, mugs, and more. Part of the proceeds go towards helping the poor, homeless, and victims of human trafficking)

OperationGodisLove.org (charity work)

P.S If you are in Ohio, I would love to connect with you at the next two book signings!

God is Not the Problem. God=Love. People Misrepresenting God is the Problem.

Some people are angry with God or Christianity. They have their horror stories that normally fall back on 1. Someone who claimed to know God treated them horribly or 2. God did not perform the way they wanted or agree with their line of thinking.

They did not get their way or the miracle they wanted, so obviously God is bad. I cannot explain why God does not prevent every disappointment or hurt. I do know God gave humanity the ability to choose and some people choose unwisely.

I talk about God’s heart towards humanity in all my books. I hope they help people see God is not the monster hiding in the dark with lightening bolts to strike them.

God is not the problem, sin is and misunderstanding the Bible or the character of God. We must understand that the God of Christianity is love. The greatest commandment Jesus gave His followers was, “Love God and love your neighbor as you love yourself.” Love fulfills God’s law because it seeks to do no harm to it’s neighbor (Romans 13:10).

God love is not like human love that is based on feelings or agreement. There are people who believe that love is giving them everything they desire even if it us harmful. There are people who believe that love means absolute agreement. It does not. God is holy, without sin. Therefore, God can love us deeply and not agree with our poor choices that fall outside His boundaries. Disagreement is not hatred. God hates sin because sin destroys people. God loves people.

God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son (1 John 3:16). God loves the entire world, even those who do not love in return. It does not mean that God agrees with everything humanity does. Nor does it mean God accepts everything. God cannot agree with or accept sin because it is opposite of His nature. As stated before, God is holy (without any sin).

What about all these nasty Christians online or in your life. If God is love, why are you encountering hateful or bigoted/racist/sexist/prejudice/angry/hostile/mean/hurtful/abusive/selfish/unkind professing Christians? People can claim God all day long yet the Bible state plainly a tree can be known by it’s fruit. Jesus stated those who knew Him would love as He loves. The Bible also states that those who do not love do not know God (1 John 4:8).

This agape love is a byproduct of intimacy (knowing) with God. We imitate the God we know. There are people who are immature (immaturity is marked by selfishness), carnal (also marked by selfishness), or who struggle greatly with insecurity (insecure people can cause great damage because they need someone to be inferior to feel superior). Unfortunately there are some “Christians” who suffer from self righteousness or a holier than though complex.

The true Church, God, nor Jesus hurt you. A sinful person claiming to know God hurt you. One of the steps to healing is understanding people are NOT God and many falsely represent God and some grossly misunderstand or misinterpret the Bible. Some are immature or insecure Christians. Some are carnal. Some simply slipped out of abiding in the love of God.

God is good. God is holy. God loves people. If our view of the Bible does not align with the character of God then most likely we are wrong in our interpretation of the Bible or our definition of love/goodness. Some view love as agreeing on everything, no consequences for their actions, and approval-that is not the same as love. God love is unselfish, holy, pure, involves accountability, and is full of truth.

I repeat God is love-sacrificial, unselfish love. God is not petty, mean, selfish, flakey, rude, racist, prejudice, sexist, bigoted, harmful, nor awful. God is not the problem. People claiming to know God without full surrender to God are the issue. Jesus only did what He saw the Father doing. He lived a surrendered life!

I pray we heal from awful acting Christians. Forgive them. Release them to God. People can only give away the love they possess. Pray God gives them a good dunking in His love. If your heart is still hurting or wounded, I want you to get your soul healed! It is possible to heal from being grossly mistreated or abused by Christians or clergy.

I hope you surrender all the pain to God and get to know Him for yourself. God loves you deeply and profoundly.

Join the Get Your Soul Healed Tribe:

If you wish for help to process through the pain, you can join my 8 week study and freedom group. It’s no cost to join. You simply need to grab a copy of the new book and the study guide. The study guide is only $6.99. Overcoming Church Hurt & Abuse Book and Study Guide. Once you grab the study guide, I will add you to the closed and private group. Sessions start August 1! At 7pm EST this Thursday night I will kick off the study! I hope to see you there. Soul healing activations are a part of the group.

If you do not join the group, I hope to see you at one of the upcoming book signings in Ohio! Come say hello and enter to win some great prizes!!

You are so deeply loved!


Erin Lamb




Join the Book Club!

I am passionate about helping people step into freedom. You and I do not have to hobble through life broken. It’s time to heal! Let’s heal together.

I am launching an Overcoming Church Hurt & Abuse study book club on August 1, 2019.

This closed Facebook group will include additional video teachings, discussion, Q/A, and more!

What do you need to join the group?

1. Access to Facebook.

2. To purchase the study guide (only available at https://www.empowered-free.com/shop).

3. Get a copy of the book (Overcoming Church Hurt & Abuse on Amazon.com) or (Overcoming Church Hurt & Abuse on Empowered & Free).

Once you purchase the study guide, only $6.99, you will be sent a request to join the community/group.

We will discuss challenging questions like where is God when abuse happens? Does forgiveness heal everything? What to do when you have forgiven and you still can’t stand that person? Wrong teachings from the Bible that create circumstances for abuse, how to get your soul healed, preventing abuse, and MORE!

I hope you join the group and to connect with you soon!


Erin Lamb

P. S one of the book signings will be in Powell, Ohio on August 19th, 2019 (11am-1pm). More details to come.