Jesus the Greatest Prophet

Morning Devotion: The Role & Purpose of a Prophet. Prophets do more than prophesy (speak forth the word and will of God), they are transformational agents who deliver solutions and reveal the heart of the Father.

The greatest prophet to walk this earth is Jesus of Nazareth. It was not Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Deborah, or Moses. Jesus is the perfect model for the prophet. If you desire anyone’s anointing, let it be Jesus.

Jesus walked in love, wisdom, and power. He knew when to be direct and when to speak in parables. He knew how to address religious leaders and hypocrites and could sit with the sinner. He overflowed with compassion and love.

There was no pride nor a critical spirit in Jesus. When He saw problems He also saw and spoke solutions. His agenda was repentance, restoration, and reconciliation of a sinful world to the Father.

Prophets are more than ones who speak, they initiate change and point to repentance. Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand. Look and see what God is doing, get on board. Turn your ear and hear what God is saying, adjust your mind to align with His.

God is the ultimate authority and calls and commissions agents of transformation on earth. Prophets have an assignment and linked to that assignment is mandate to release, speak, and see heaven invade the earth. Prophets shift not only the spiritual atmosphere, they shift culture, organizations, and congregations.

Prophets see and/or hear the heart of the Father and their role is not just to tell people like it is. It is to provide revelation that increases intimacy with God. People are transformed by intimacy with God. Flowery words are not the same as a prophetic key that unlocks a heart which unlocks a destiny. Intimacy with God increases revelation which leads to transformation. Transformed people transform cities. Transformed cities, transform lives.

The true prophet reveals the heart and will of the Father. Jesus said, “I only do what I see the Father doing.” A true prophet is rooted in the love of God.

It is false a prophet is a fortune teller and also false their role is to hand out candy coated words that make people feel good yet never connect them with the will of God. Jesus did not do that, nor did any true prophet of the Bible. Being rude, critical, and harsh are also not the model of Jesus, nor is denying truth or repentance. Jesus did not lie nor tell people what they wanted to hear. He told them the truth in love.

The prophet wipes the smeared lenses to reveal a clearer picture of who God is, what God is highlighting, and the will of God. The prophet often stands up for God’s truth in a time of compromise and immorality. The prophet stands against oppression, idolatry, immorality, and injustice. The prophets of old were persecuted greatly for cutting against the grain and upholding God’s truth which was counter to culture.

Heaven is constantly moving towards intimacy with humanity. Heaven rejoices when one sinner repents. Heaven is looking for relationship and not second hand relationship. Prophets do not replace God, they point to God. They issue an invitation that invites humanity into relationship with the heart and will of God.

Everyone who prophesies is not a prophet. Prophets are chosen, selected, called, commissioned, and assigned by God. True prophets are not self appointed, they are God ordained. God sets up His own training program for prophets. Many prophets go on to train other prophets. Prophets do not just speak, they equip and invite others into learning and hearing the voice and heart of God.

Once again if we are to ask for anyone’s leadership in the prophetic or call of a prophet, may it be Jesus. May we desire the anointing of Jesus to flow uncontaminated. He is the visible representation of the heart and will of the Father.


Erin Lamb

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