Jesus is the Solution (Weekend Devotion)

Photo source: Pinterest

Morning Devotion: The only solution, Jesus.

My spirit has been grieved this week over our world. We have tried protests, policies, judgements, for some Facebook/Social Media rants, division, petitions, etc…yet none of these things deal with the root. They may temporaily deal with fruit, yet they do not remove the root.

The root resides deep inside the soul and spirit. Unless there is an encounter with Jesus in those places, there will continue to be fruit that does not look Jesus.

Striving and self help are not our ultimate friends. We can not will ourselves to be like Jesus nor love like Jesus. It comes straight from the mouth of Jesus, “If you abide (remain, stay connected to) in Me, you will bear much fruit (from John 15:4-5).”

Abiding in Jesus is the key to love, peace, joy, and the ability to have compassion even for those who hurt you, persecute you, or hate you.

Sometimes I have to just drop into the arms of Jesus. “Here I am, I do not know what to do. My heart needs you. I need you.” Jesus responds every single time.

God is good and loves us all. Our world needs Jesus.

  • In a world full of craziness, the solution is Jesus.
  • In a world full of hatred, the solution is Jesus.
  • In a world full of gross selfishness, the solution is Jesus.
  • In a world full of identity crisis, the solution is Jesus.
  • In a world full of deception, the solution is Jesus.
  • In a world full of messes, the solution is Jesus.
  • In a world full of misplaced priorities, the solution is Jesus.
  • In a world full of dishonor/disrespect, the solution is Jesus.
  • In a world full of insecurity, the solution is Jesus.

Yeshua come… ישו באה

So my prayer today is our world encounters Jesus…truly encounters Jesus…not the Jesus painted in the image of mankind (our ideas), the real Jesus seated at the right hand of the Father.

Sometimes chaos is brought to the surface so we can seek God and heal…not leaders, politicians, etc…Jesus. We need God. Apart from God there is no agape love (perfect, sacrificial, unselfish love).

Lord, help us to surrender to your Lordship in every area of our lives. We need you! Our world needs you. Help those of us who claim you to abide in you and help others encounter you. Bring revival at the heart level that brings about transformation of cities and Nations. We need radical change on the heart level. Heal and restore us from the crazy of the world. In Jesus powerful name. Amen.

You are so deeply loved and prayed for too!

Love in Christ,

Erin Lamb

God Partners with Ordinary People (Morning Devotion)

Morning Devotion: God partners with ordinary people to do extraordinary things. Man judges by his natural eyes; God sees with His Spirit. Everyone rejected by man is not rejected by God. 

One of my favorite quotes from Kathryn Kuhlman is, “God is not looking for golden vessels or silver vessels, He is looking for yielded (willing-surrendered) vessels.” 

The true power is not in the person. It is in God. 

Jesus demonstrated what flows out of a person fully yielded to the Father. He demonstrated total surrender. He stated very plainly, “I only do what I see the Father doing and say what I hear Him saying.” 

We witness through Jesus the power of abiding and surrender. Intimacy with God produces GOOD fruit. Our strength lies not in our intellect, human wisdom, gifts, titles, accolades of man, or talents. Our strength lies in intimacy with God. Out of abiding flows abundant good fruit (John 15:4-5). 

David was overlooked by his natural father. No one was looking for him. Yet God knew He placed inside of David the heart of a King, a warrior, and a man who understood worship. David would have appeared to his peers as ordinary. Yet God anointed him to be extraordinary and do extraordinary things. 

What is rejected by man is not rejected by God. 

There are many other men and women who were outcasts or overlooked by man and elevated and promoted by God. God isn’t looking for the opinions of people to do His will. He does not function in a democracy. When God chose Apostle Paul, he was first Saul-murderer of Christians. He was disliked and feared. God knew who He created Paul to be. It was not truly about Paul, it was about the power of God and spreading the Gospel to the Gentiles. God often displays His love and power through weak and broken people. Why? It’s not ultimately about us, it’s about God. 

How many times in life have we discounted ourselves or someone else because of the outside package, weaknesses, past experiences, lack of titles, no one else seems to vouch for the person, lack of celebrity, brokenness or imperfections, or lack of star appeal? It is imperative no one is discarded or treated as though they have no value. A diamond in the rough looks like a simple rock. It is a rock worth millions. God does not create junk. Every person has tremendous value. 

It also will hopefully prevent us from worshipping people and turn our faces to worshipping God. God is the One who anoints, appoints, promotes, demotes, gives wisdom, insight, and glorious displays of love and power. God alone we worship. We fix our eyes on God. “God You are invited to do what only You can do.” 

It is not about what we can do or what another person is anointed to do. We will never be qualified enough on our own to do all God called us to do. Why? God is so much bigger than our dreams or limitations. He is GOD. It’s about Him. It’s His story for His glory. His super invades our natural. 

God partners with ordinary people to do extraordinary things so the world can see His outstanding love. It’s not about ego for God. He is after connection, relationship, and intimacy. He proclaims to humanity, “Let Me show You My great love.” He partners with ordinary, imperfect people to bless the world! 

My encouragement is look up to God, connect with His heart, and know God is SO much bigger than any brokenness, pain, limitation, barrier, colored past, lack, or man made qualifications. Man judges with the natural eyes and God looks at the heart. Is God vouching for you? If so, no man on earth can stop Him. The goal is connection with God. 

God is outstanding and He is seeking willing vessels. Is that you? Is that person you think is not good enough or qualified? God uses the small, overlooked vessels to display His awesome love and power.

The miracle is not in who we are or what we have. The miracle is rooted in who God is. It is not about what mankind can do. It’s about what God can do through mankind. 

May the limitations be taken off God and the worship of the titles or people He partners with to bless the world. All eyes on God. He is outstanding!! 

You Were Chosen (Manifesting Sonship Series Part IX)

For You formed my innermost parts; You knit me [together] in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well,~Psalm 139:13-14. 

God is a wise steward and loving Father. He gives every person (even those who hate Him, and those who don’t believe in Him) gift(s) or talent(s). Everyone has something to offer. 

When people tell me God isn’t blessing or hasn’t gifted them I sometimes ask, “What are you doing with what’s been given?” God rewards faithfulness. The one who uses what God has given for His glory is given more. 

When people say, “I don’t have anything to offer or I don’t have that spiritual gift,” I ask “Do you have the Holy Spirit? He has all the gifts.” 

It surprises people when they surrender all to God how He works through them. 

I’m highly introverted. Yet God frequently calls me out to socialize with groups of people, lead groups, etc…I did not want to be in public leadership when God called me to it. I would have loved to stay in my little cubby with God, serving behind the scenes. I’m so at home with Him and maybe a few people I know as close friends. 

I’ve been discipling groups of people for almost 10 years. At first, it was way outside my comfort zone! I never wanted to preach, be front and center…I like being hidden in God. Yet all of my life belongs to Him. If He nudges, I respond (though in some cases I responded very slowly). 

It’s not about my ability or your ability. It’s about His. It’s about blessing the world. It’s about making His name famous. It’s about standing in our identity as a son or daughter of God. 

So principles I’ve learned/am learning: 

1. Seek God first in all things. 

2. Cease telling God I can’t do something. It’s not about me. He knows what He’s doing. 

3. Cease waiting on people to give me a mission or permission to do what God has burning in my heart. God is my Commissioner. 

I started a worship/prophetic intercessory prayer/discipleship group, and street ministry without any pastoral support. Zero. They are still running under the Lordship of Jesus today. He said train/equip, go. I can’t always wait for someone else to support what He told me to do. God is my support. 

I am not saying be independent of church leadership or rebellious. I am saying we won’t be able to use the excuse, “No one would help me,” when we see God face to face. He’s the Helper. 

Every believer has already been called to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, pray without ceasing, encourage others, and share the Gospel. Jesus already called everyone. 

4. Use what’s given for the glory of God. Hoarding or sitting on gifts/talents doesn’t help anyone. The people around us are dying to see Christ in us. Selfishness and self-centeredness never leads to Godly promotion. 

5. Break the cycle of I’m unqualified. Who God calls, He equips and qualifies. Abide in Him. I’m also not opposed to learning from others. I love it. Take a class, study. I study and take classes. 

6. Waiting on God is not an excuse to be lazy or passive. God expects us to do something with what’s been given. 

I heard a joke about a man who was stranded on a roof during a flood. He kept crying out for God to save him. He turned the boat away because he was waiting on God. He turned the helicopter away because he was waiting on God. The man died. When he saw God he exclaimed, “Why’d you forsake me!” God replied, “Why didn’t you get in the boat or helicopter? I sent people to help you and you refused their help.” 

I had someone God highlighted for me to pour into their life. They could barely eat, barely pay bills. Once I offered food and necessities. They refused. They said all they wanted was prayer. God was going to meet the need. So I went back to God and said, “They don’t want Your gifts from me.” He then highlighted someone else for me. 

I’ve learned sometimes we say we are waiting on God and we are actually thinking He’s going to send an angel to drag us out of bed, do everything for us, and it won’t require any human effort or participation.

God works through people! So keep your eyes open. Partner with Him to be someone’s answer to prayer. When someone shows up to bless you, thank God. He’s the Source. Last I checked the devil wasn’t into sacrificial love. 

7. Cultivate a generous heart. This comes from staying connected to the Generous One. God is the lavish Giver! 

8. Rebuke the lies of the enemy. One of his greatest attacks is against our identity. The second attack is against our destiny. 

His lies/My response: 

Lie: Who do you think you are? You’re inadequate. 

Response: I’m a blood bought child of God. His strength is perfected in my weakness. 

Lie: You are so unqualified! 

Response: I am filled with the Holy Spirit. He’s my teacher. He’s fully qualified. 

Lie: No one wants to hear what you have to say! 

Response: I am not here to perform or please people. I am here to glorify God and speak His words to the world. It’s not about me. It’s about God. 

Lie: You’re going to fail or mess up or this will end badly. 

Response: Success for God is based on faithfulness. His grace is sufficient for me. I’m successful when I’m faithful with what He’s given; led by His Spirit and doing what He says. 

There are so many other lies that can be thrown at us. What has God said? What is God saying? What does His Word say? Even Jesus was bombarded with the lies of the evil one. He responded with the word of God. He didn’t allow insecurity to flood His heart. He did not surrender His identity or destiny for the lies of satan. We too have a choice. We can seek God and find out who we are in Him or live without ever stepping into our full identity/destiny. 

God created everything and everyone for a reason. You and I have a great destiny in God. He doesn’t make useless things. No one gives their life for what has no value. Jesus gave His life for ours. The value of something is determined by how much someone will pay for it; Jesus gave His life. We are of tremendous worth to God. 

Papa God thank You that You have given us so much in Your Son. Thank You for life! Thank You for a redeemed life. You are amazing! Help us to learn to abide in You so we live fruitful lives. Help us to see ourselves as You do. Break off any shackles of unbelief, insecurity, fear, worry, or doubt. Flood us with Your truth today. In Jesus powerful name. Amen. 

Love in Christ, 

Erin Lamb 

Chosen (God Picked You)


Photo Credit: Pinterest

Before the foundations of the earth were laid…God knew and chose you to be the object of His affection.

Oh…to be chosen.

God knew you before your grandparents were ever born. He knew who He wanted you to be, what He wanted you to look like, and the gifts He wanted to give you.

You’re not alive by accident.

You have a divine destiny!

You were born because God wanted you. You have always been wanted and chosen. No one can change the approval or love God has for you! Nothing can separate you from His love.

There’s nothing you can do to make Him love you more. Nothing you can do to make Him love you less. You are accepted in the Beloved!

Sweet friends. The One who is perfect in love said, “I want you. I don’t want to be without you. I am willing to come down to save you. I am willing to die for you. I want to love you! I want to bless you. I want to be known by you. I delight in you. You’re my choice! I choose you!”

God didn’t need us; He wanted us!

May your week be saturated with the love of God. There’s no greater love in all the world.

Love in Christ,


You’re in my heart and prayers.

You’re not an Orphan


Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine,~Isaiah 43:1b.

Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: you are of more value than many sparrows,~Luke 12:6-7.

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.“~Jeremiah 1:5.

I will start out by saying you cannot know who you are and your purpose in life without knowing God. He is the Creator of all things. Nothing we see would exist without Him. He holds it all together. Though He gives humans the right to choose, He is still Sovereign. You are here because God allowed you to be here.

“Who but God goes up to heaven and comes back down? Who holds the wind in his fists? Who wraps up the oceans in his cloak? Who has created the whole wide world? What is his name–and his son’s name? Tell me if you know!” Proverbs 30:4.

God knows why you were born, and He has a great plan for your life (Jeremiah 29:11). You are not an orphan (without a father or parent). You are an extension of His heart and His plan. Even if your earthly mother or father forsake you, God never will (Psalm 27:10). You must forsake Him. He doesn’t send anyone to hell, if we end up there, we chose to live life without Him. Without holiness (salvation) no person can enter heaven. He’s a loving Father who says, “I made you for Me. Come be with Me. You are invited to enter into My Royal Family. Everything I have, I want to share with you. I want you to be united with Me. I gave My Son so you can be set free. I want to give you life abundantly.

You are invited to belong to Someone great. I heard someone say, “When God looks at the earth He sees two groups of people, repentant and unrepentant. He loves them both. He, like the Prodigal son’s father, is working to bring lost sons and daughters home.” It’s true. God wants you! You were created to be united with Him for eternity. He longs for you. Many are deceived or willingly reject Him, which I am sure hurts His heart. No parent likes to see their child headed for destruction.

God hates what’s aimed at destroying us, sin is aimed at destroying us. The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). The devil wants to take as many people as he can to hell with him. His fate is sealed, there is no redemption for him. He will burn in the lake of fire being tortured for eternity. He hates people, for humans can be redeemed. Humans can be saved. Humans can worship and love God. Humans are the recipients of God’s grace, love, and made in His image.

So, dear friends, if you want to know who you are, why you were born, who your Father is, go to God. If you want to know your purpose, go to God. He knows all, sees all, and has a great plan for your life. If we want to know the purpose of something, we ask the One who made it. You are of Divine Design. Don’t allow the world or even your own thoughts to define who you are. God is perfect and I am certain His thoughts towards you and your life will exceed your expectations. You are and will always be, deeply loved.

If you have not accepted the gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, I invite you to come find life. God longs to bless you. He says, “No matter where you have been or what you have done. I paid for it all.” If that’s you and you want to know God, follow along in this prayer with me.

Prayer for salvation:

God I confess that I am a sinner. I have done things to grieve Your heart and sought to live life my own way. I believe that you sent Your Son Jesus to pay the price for all my sins. I place my faith and trust in You. I ask for Your forgiveness for all my sins, and I invite You into My life. I want to commit my life to You and turn from the life I’ve been living. In Jesus name.

If you sincerely prayed that prayer, know heaven is rejoicing. Heaven celebrates every single time we repent (say God is right and decide we don’t want sin in our lives). If you sincerely prayed this prayer, expect life changes. Find a Gospel centered church and get connected. Pick up a Bible and start reading it. I recommend starting in the New Testament and  asking God to speak to you through His word. Start praying, talking to God. You can comment here if you want more information. Know that being in God’s family is a tremendous blessing. God LOVES you!

You can find more resources and teachings on what it means to be in Christ on my devotional blog ( Whatever you choose in life, I hope you choose Jesus! He is the way, the truth, and the life. God bless you.




From now on I call you not servants; for the servant knows not what his lord does: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known to you. You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that you should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatever you shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. These things I command you, that you love one another,~John 15:15-17.

Oh, to be chosen. There is a security that can be found in being chosen. We don’t have to be insecure. God  desires and loves us. His love is not based on what we have, or what we do. There’s nothing we can do to make Him love us more or less. God’s love is independent of our weakness and on full blast towards us.

While we were still sinners and enemies of God, He chose us. Romans 5 gives us some sweet news and affirms our security in relationship with God.

You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! Not only is this so, but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation, ~Romans 5:6-11.

You were, are, and will always be the object of God’s affection. You were chosen! You were selected by the Creator of the Universe to be loved, cared for, and cherished. There is security in knowing at our worst state, God said, “I want to save you! I want to love you! I want to be with you.” We are His choice.

  • When you’re feeling unloved, recall God chose you!
  • When you are uncertain of your future, know that since God chose you He will take care of your future.
  • When you think there is no way God can use you, rest in the truth that He knew what He was getting into when He chose you.
  • When you can only see devastation, know God’s promises wrapped up in Christ extend to all His children.
  • When you feel alone, trust that God is always with you and wants the best for you.

When someone selects you, there is comfort in knowing they saw someone worth choosing. We don’t pick up or select things we don’t deem valuable.

You matter to God, enough for Him to pay the highest price to be with you. He gave His very best to have a relationship with you.

If you are not investing in an intimate (close) relationship with God, I highly recommend Him. No one will love you better. His love is the most powerful. His love is life changing. Make Him the number 1 priority of life and watch your life be radically transformed. You are and will always be deeply loved.

Love in Christ,



Things my father taught me about God


In thinking about Papa (father God), I have been pondering my earthly father and what he taught me about God. My dad is one of those people who can’t go anywhere (I mean anywhere) without reaching out to love someone, offer to pray for someone, or sharing the Gospel. I watch him in awe because he is the opposite of timid. I spent most of my youth following him around. He was a Chaplin. So, when he went to the hospital to pray for the sick, I went too. Our home was always open to strangers. My parents visited and welcomed in the poor, sick, orphaned, widows, the hated, and even their enemies. Before I was born they lost their oldest son. He was murdered by his best friend. The man who killed him never served a day in jail. I saw my parents love the man who took their son away. I saw my dad offer him not just the opportunity to know God, but love.

My dad doesn’t just preach the Gospel, he tries to live it. He is not perfect, but here are some things he did and does that are exactly what God the Father has done.

Adopted into a new family. I was adopted. My dad gave me his name. I have all the same rights and privileges of the other children. He treats me no differently. He honors, respects, loves, and adores me. I am his child. God adopts us into His family.

Bragging rights. My dad embarrasses me at times with his constant bragging and campaigning for what I do. If I do something, he tells all his friends, the people at the bank, and sometimes strangers. He is my biggest cheerleader. God is our biggest cheerleader.

Merciful, forgiving, and kind. I watched my dad love the man who stole from him. I watched him extend love to people who hated him. He is merciful and kind to all people. God is merciful and kind to all people.

Faithful. My family’s motto was this, “Your word is your bond.” My dad (though not perfect) attempts to keep his word. He was faithful to my mom and family. He was faithful to his job while working. He has been a faithful pastor for over 43 years. He has been faithful through hard times, and I’ve never heard him complain. God is 100% faithful. He keeps His word.

Generous. If you were ever to visit my dad, you would leave with something. He cannot help himself. He will find something to cook for you. He will give to you even when he needs it more. When I go visit, I don’t have to beg him to do something or have something. All he has, he offers to me. And if you ask him, he will tell you, “Take what you want.” He is not just generous to those who are related to him, he’s generous to everyone. God is even more generous.

Protector and provider. This goes along with being generous, but my dad has always been a protector and provider. He cares for his own and the rights of others. God is a Protector and Provider. No good thing will He withhold from those who love Him.

Cares for the sick, widows, and orphans. I went to visit my dad last Christmas, and I was exhausted by the time I got home. He had to visit the sick, orphans, widows,etc…I am not sure how I am more tired than he is. God gives each person the grace to do what He has called them to do. God cares about the poor, sick, widows, and orphans.

Every single detail. My dad cares about every single detail of my life. He wants to talk every day if he can. I hate talking on the phone, but he is the exception. He is interested in my life. He has kept every single drawing I did in school. Every single one, all the way back to kindergarten. God is even more interested in your life. He cares about everything! God has your life recorded in His heart.

Loving sinners. My dad is an evangelist. He will share the Gospel with anyone. His motives are to love people. He loves sinners. He wants to see people reconciled to God. Our heavenly Father is the same way. He is actively pursuing the lost. He is looking for the prodigal to come home. Our Dad (Papa) loves sinners.

Loved despite behavior. I only remember one time getting in trouble with my dad. He did not stop loving me. He did not stop caring for me. His love did not change based on my behavior. God’s love for us is not based on our behavior. It’s who He is.

Prays for you. Every morning at 6 am (normally) my dad is up praying for his family. I know because when I visit I hear him get up and I can sometimes hear him talking to God. Jesus lives to intercede for us. He is praying for us all the time. We have an Advocate who does not sleep.

I spoke last time about how a lack of human examples can cause us to doubt God’s love. I am sharing one of my examples with you in hopes that you may be able to see God is better than any human being. My dad taught me so much about God, the reason being, he was in love with the One who is love. Any good I saw or see in my dad, came from Jesus. I honor my dad for his commitment to God. I thank him for living a life that glorified Jesus. He does not use computers so he will not see this post, but I do hope he knows the great impact he’s had on this life for Jesus.

God loves you friends, more than my dad loves me. He loves you more than your parents love you or anyone else. God is LOVE! You are loved…loved…loved…If you are in Christ you have been adopted and chosen. Great things are in store for you! If you are not in Christ, I invite you to join the family. It’s more than saying a prayer, it’s an invitation into a relationship. You are cordially invited into a lifelong commitment of love with Someone who loves you more than you can imagine!

For those who do not know God:

Salvation is a gift based on faith. Believing God is who He says He is. Believing that all have sinned and fallen short of His standard. We acknowledge to God that we need Him, that we have sinned, and we ask for forgiveness. We believe that Jesus is the son of God, born of a virgin, crucified for our sins, and raised from the dead. We accept that Jesus died for our sins and receive His righteousness as our own. We choose to follow Jesus. It’s more than saying a prayer to invite God into our hearts, Jesus did not lead people in prayer. He told people, “Pick up your cross and follow Me.” God invites us to join in relationship with Him….so the invitation goes out to you…will you come?